Thanks for the info and the links I have some research to do. This interest started about 7 years ago. I had a friend that owned his own video store. He had not signed on with the California State Board of Equalization. After 2 1/2 years of being in business they started demanding his cooperation.
He was one of those individuals that had the Constitution memorized word for word with one hanging on his wall. He practically had the entire collection of Blackstone Law books memorized as well. He didn’t have a driver's license (something about the right to travel and him not being a vehicle of commerce) and the only thing he had for a plate on his car was Sovereign American.
Needless to say I never wanted to ride with him, but he would always beat any traffic ticket surprisingly. I went and watched him once and when they said all rise (for the judge) he was the only one who didn’t. (He says that practice was done in the puritan days for when the Bible was brought in and somehow it mutated over into rising for the judge who he claims are servants of the public inside of institutions paid for by taxes were charge on everything we buy, have done, or will do.
As far as the Cal Board was concerned he had not signed up to be a legal tax collector (he didn’t charge his customers taxes), therefore he needed to. He saw it as long as he hadn’t signed the legal document binding him to do so he was not going to.
Over the course of 3 years letters of threats and rebuttals occurred between the two. He had one request: show him the law where it stated he had to sign up in order to do so. They never did. I didn’t believe him, so I went to the library and called them myself asking where I could look to find a law stating I had to sign up with them to start a business. They replied with a question "Are you affiliated with _______ ______ _____ the video store owner?" I stated no, they went on to provide me with sections of California Law that I could find it in. I followed their instructions, but found something completely different and puzzling, but no single law.
One night I was sitting up by his desk, when 6 men in suits came in with one US Marshall. They walked around his store looked in the back to see if anyone was there and told me to get out.
It turns out the men were agents from the California State Board of Equalization accompanied with a Marshall. I stood outside and watched them put him in a van and take off. I asked who they were and where he was going one of them replied "This isn’t your affair; keep it that way"
What happened to him there I only have his words to go by so I won’t go into that. I do know this he lost his store. It showed me right or wrong going against this is not the thing to do if someone wants a hassle free life.
Personally I have had a situation happen with the IRS that’s has led me to believe most of us are being had. There are a large number of veterans in my same situation (medically discharged from combat related injuries) that are discovering the same thing.
I’ve made the decision not to go against the system. There are millions of Americans out there who are supposedly legally not paying income taxes (but donating recorded funds to where they have documentation of where and what they're donation is being used for (local police, national forest, military relief fund, etc) that’s asking for trouble even though it may be the right thing to do, I don’t know.
I want a family, I have goals of owning large acres of land, and a few other things that even if there is something to this its in my best interest to learn how to play the game and make it work for me as much as possible.
I guess the bottom line for me is this: I believe were all equal and we all have tools to do great things. If would come to someday learn that there is a group of individuals collecting money off the hard work of the American people; just because they feel they are elevated to do so; it would feel me with rage.
Areas such as this I have to take in cycles, because I’ve come to learn that every time I dig to learn, I finding things that really don’t make me feel any better.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking