Hail Secretmethod70 et al!
Your images are sadly rexed for the moment but by the subsequent comments I will assume you do me honor in your hamburger image selection.
I do not require the full 100 x 100 canvas to portray the image of a hamburger. Sure, I am a Giant Hamburger. I am enormous and no human could eat me in one sitting. I quite possibly am so large that to glimpse me whole may drive you into gibbering madness. With this great size comes great responsibility. I must shield innocent mortals from my full splendor. I must always maintain a state of obscurantism or I may pay a heavy price. I could be ostracized, shunned, feared and ultimately hunted down like a monster. It has happened before. So, in conclusion, I do it to protect you, my fellow TFP user as well as to protect myself.
I have spoken.
Thank you and good night.