i dont think you're need is so much as being a ubermensche as much as you wanna get your work and forget your friends' bitchin'...and i know exactly where you're coming from. a friend of mine...first gf, not so serious...break up...got horrible school marks. second gf, forgot about school became obsessed. break up, depression, horrible school marks. So. It may seem that it's worthwhile to forget the whole romance thing, concentrate on school and get high marks etc. While that is a route a lot of relatively smart students do, consider the fact that it is possible to have a healthy relationship sans problems and have schoolwork done well. My bf and I get on fine, and get good grades...well he gets better marks but then i'm just naturally not that bright...it's not neccesary to be devoid of emotions for the student life, but to be involved...be sensible, and be picky. if it's not worth it, forget it. it doesnt make you a ubermensche i dont think...just a student with common sense wanting to get ahead.
-poor is the man whose pleasure depends on the permission of another-