When dealing with any widescale social overhaul, particularly those of the economic nature, one has to anticipate a fair amount of resistance, regardless of how noble or esteemed the cause may be.
In this instance, to do away with capitalism would, ideally, be akin to wiping the board clean and starting from scratch. Realistically, however, the casualties left in the wake of such a fundamental shift would be considerate. For this reason, amidst numerous supporting arguments, capitalism can rest assured it has many moons remaining on its grip on North American and, subsequently, global means of living.
It's very similar to the artifical respiratory systems maintaing the lives of those who cannot do so on their own power. Sure, you're living, but to what extent? The same goes for capitalism. Sure, it's accepted, but at what cost?
About $5.99, I'd imagine. And only 39 cents extra if you'd like it super-sized.