I went to see LXG with too high of hopes, I think. I also firmly believe that if it had been in theatres two years ago, I'd have thought it was great, as it was I found it a bit lacking.
All the characters were great, but they had a failing in how they were introduced. They obviously didn't have time for a full blown origin for each (although I would of loved to see them discover the invisible man-immaculate conceptions my ass) but I felt that they invested so much in building the characters through the dialouge that I wanted to see them in action much more.
Discontinuity abounded in make-up and stances, but thankfully I can't recall there being any cigarattes in it.
The buget also seemed ill managed-way to much was spent on the inside of nemo's sub, leaving obvious backdrop seperations in the background, some instances of blurry fx, and not covering up 'tricks' well enough (the otherwise wonderful scene in Dorian Grays Library was slightly marred by the fact that it was obvious that they had a stationary platform dropping-mostly-blank pages supposedly coming from books being shot to pieces)
Skinner was the comic relief in the movie (I think?) and didn't do it for me. I would rather him of been a little bit straighter, or a little bit wackier then the middle ground that the character stumbled down.
All in all, though, I thought it was an enjoyable movie, and don't regret seeing it one bit. I think hollywood has just upped the bar a bit in recent years for action movies, and LXG falls a bit short.