I always have to recommend playing the GTA games without cheats because it makes them MUCH funner and a better overall experience. As for those two missions, I know which ones you're talking about, and the only way I beat them was memorizing exactly where the next checkpoint was. I take it that you're playing the PC version, and I'm not sure if you're using a controller (I've heard that using a keyboard to control the vehicles makes it much harder). Like I said, you MUST memorize where every payphone is in the Ray mission, and where every car is in the Grand Theft Auto mission.
As for the mission requiring the Sentinel, there is always one parked at Salvatore's house; I can't remember if that's close enough for a time limit or not. Do NOT drive anywhere near the area south of there; the gang members have shotguns which will blow up nearly any car in the game with only ONE shot. I wondered what the hell happened the first time I drove through there with a Sentinel; it's those damn shotguns.
Good luck! The key to beating missions in GTA3 and Vice City is memorization and practice. I played the final race in Vice City until I could beat the longest track without crashing into a single car or pedestrian, while still taking first place and getting the large quantity of money. Like the overrused cliche saying goes, "Practice Makes Perfect."
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert