Here I sit, among many, but feeling alone. What do I do about that?
I do not know. I feel this way a lot. Why? Because I am alone.
I have no friends, but I know people. Do they accept me? I have no clue.
I am like a book. Most judge the cover, but few look between the pages. If more looked, then maybe I would not be alone. But will they? No, this world is full of books, but few look inside theses books. Maybe the world would be peaceful, if we just look past the cover. But do we? No, we just judge by the outward appearance, few look inside the book.
I am one of those people. What have I seen? I have seen what lies beneath those covers. The feelings, the way that book is made, and sometimes the ending. The ending? Yes, the ending. Whether a person will live happily or sadly, with someone, or without. Do I know the true ending? No, but I can guess it.
Dated: January 31, 2001
Last edited by TanteMegs; 08-10-2003 at 07:47 PM..