With the mod's (silent) permission I wish to start my own poetry thread...
And to kick it off, here is the weirdest poem I ever wrote. Weird because when I wrote it, I was completely sober, but I wrote it from a female perspective.
I'm a healthy heterosexual guy, but somehow a cliché image of a beautiful woman dressed in white, running out of a cabin through a field of tall grass and flowers and into the arms of a loved one got into my head and flowed in the keyboard. I thought about changing 'he' to 'she' but somehow it wouldn't seem right.
Anyway, like I said... strange. I've never shown this to anyone so I doubted a long time as to whether or not to post this, but to hell with it...
'When he arrives'
A morning-flower,
One petal damp
I run by it
in your open arms
It's beauty paled
by your very presence
Like a teardrop the dew
glides down your stem
like it streams across my face
Guess we both love
to see the morning
when he arrives