Prenuptial agreements...
So, what do you guys think of prenuptial agreements?
I've got a friend whose girlfriend is pressuring him into marriage. I'm saying "pressuring" very loosely... they've been together for about three years and really do love each other. He's 26, she's 21. He's worth around $2M, she's just a student with probably a hundred bucks in her checking account.
He gently proposed a prenup a few months ago and she FLIPPED accusing him of not trusting her, that he's predicting a divorce, etc. They made it through that and now my friend is considering proposing to the girl this May when they go to Hawaii. The prenup talk is sure to come up...
I'm certain they could spend the rest of their lives together. Sadly, divorce rates in the US are close to 50%. What's the general concensus on prenups? How do you convince a woman that it's a good idea without her thinking that you're predicting a divorce???