Need a little help?
I don't know. It's just a whim. I really didn't know where to put this. so, here goes.
I've known this girl all my life. We spent our entire childhood together. She use to love getting me and my brother in trouble. Her and her mom moved away... flash foreward. She came back into our lives again, and even stayed with us for a couple of months. We both were suprised at how much the other had grown, and how good we looked. We slept together every night. Just slept. Cuddled... you know. She gets her house, I even helped her move in. I get a shitty G/F and lose contact with everyone. Including this girl. Flash foreward... 5 years later. This year to be exact. My mother passes away at the begining of the year. I am able to get ahold of everyone... exept this girl and her mom. After months of looking, I finally run into her mom. Her mom gives me her number, and I call and leave a message.
Next day, she calls back and we end up getting together to hang out that night. Now, after not seeing each other for so long, we both get out of our cars and look at each other. After a few seconds we hug and its just like we never lost touch. The whole night was spent catching up and interrupting as to how beautiful, or amazing the other looked.
Now, there has always been sexual tension between us. That I know. But when we first got out of the cars and looked at each other... my heart jumped. Skipped. Stopped. Whatever you want to call it. I couldn't breathe. I never thought of her in "that way". As a potential G/F or anything. I dunno. How do I know how she feels without blatantly coming out and asking her. I dont want to jeopardize this friendship of our lifetimes.
The reason why I am asking is... This kinda blindsided me. I totally wasnt looking for anyone... and "BAM". So I am REALLY confused. I dont know what to do.