Chemistry IS a big part of it, but I know the nasty sweaty smell from wearing tight jeans and working in the sun all day, when I peel off for a shower at night I smell the exact same thing and don't get turned on by it. That would be a little odd.
And yes, I've been researching diet, simply because we've had a smell issue working against us for several months. I thought it was due to diet, but on talking with more people, she was recommended to talk with her gynecologist, who confirmed that something was amiss. They're now working to correct it; meanwhile, she shaved (to surprise me) and will sometimes take two long baths a day. Honestly, it really does help, and the diet change to fruit hasn't hurt either. There's still a lingering of whatever the problem is (quite possibly a resurgance of a yeast infection from a few years ago) but it isn't nearly as strong as it used to be.
As for talking about it, she asked one day if I didn't like to go down there. I told her of course I DID, or rather USED TO, but told her that lately it's just been really strong. I didn't say really bad, I know a lady's self esteem is a delicate and important thing. I didn't say bad, I just said stronger than usual and occasionally overwhelming, it just took some getting used to. I think that that was a lot easier for her to hear than "yeah, I hate it now, you reek like a dead fish." Be gentle, but be honest in as caring a manner as possible. It's not just her problem, it's something for the two of you to research and solve together. If she feels like you're a part of the solution, she'll be a lot more comfortable solving it WITH you and it won't be a point of contention at all.
I can't plug! Huh? Why not?