Originally posted by sixate
The funny thing is that all over TV I see shows doing things that he's been doing for twenty years, but somehow that's OK.
Please list TV shows that Stern influenced, which are better than others.
Originally posted by sixate
His show is top rated and it doesn't even reach as many markets as the other top shows in the country. All that is ignored for some reason.
The great thing about Stern is that people of all ages, genders and, races like him. The downside is that because he may be controversial to some, many people also hate him.
Stern is an idiot. The fact that an idiot who says "boobs" and "penis" a lot can get high ratings is not a positive observation about Stern himself, it's a sign of how low comedic standards have gotten. If anything, he's helped bring comedy down to its lowest form -- is that something to be proud of?