Even, though you might say you should like music for what it is, there is so much more behind it. If you listen to music for the purpose of being an indivigual (to a certain degree), and find it on the much music charts, and finding that soon about half a millino people will soon be following the trend of being indivigual, when all they are doing is becoming a follower once again. It was mentioned earlier, that there should be a fine line between how things are played and exposed. I still truly think, that much music, should stick to a certain "type" of music. If they want to play just Rap, okay thats cool. They have much loud, thats not so bad. As long as you give clearity about types of music is being played, it would be easier for some of us.
And Bulletbob, you like christian rock and you know it!
Last edited by tros22; 07-09-2003 at 09:31 PM..