I said fu#k Metallica and I WON'T buy that new p.o.s album. I used to be a HUGE fan, I went to their concerts, paid 40 bucks for a shitty t-shirt from their concert.
And what do I get? Harrased by Metallica,
When will these guys learn? There true fans will buy the damn CD if they like it, the posers who would NEVER buy the album will burn the tracks, so what, they wouldn't have bought the CD in the first place and if anything they may get someone hooked on the burnt copy and that person will go out and by the real CD.
I mean it's a load of crap if you think about it, can't they think of their fans being a little hard up? If they hadn't bitched so much, I would have downloaded St. Anger JUST until I could afford the CD, shit can't they "LEND" me a song until I buy the CD.
Anyways, im done ranting, probably didn't make much sense, but that's okay.