Violent dreams?
The lucid dream thread made me think of my dreams. I do not lucid dream that I know of, but I do have violent dreams almost every night. Dreams about either my family in danger or I am in danger. Usually it is my family in danger and I come to the rescue and kill many, many people.... I know at first it sounds kind of funny, me having Rambo dreams or something, but it is actually really scary. I wake up in tears some nights and have to go check on my kids just to make sure they are not hacked up into a million pieces.
Sometimes my dreams are of me waking up from a dream and my family being dead all around me. The police think I did it and that I went crazy but I know I could not have done anything to hurt my family. This is one where I normally wake up without finishing the dream.
I don’t get much sleep. I probably have a sleeping disorder. I might pull in 6 hours on a good night. Could this be part of the reason I have these dreams? Anyone know why I dream this crap? Am I a psycho waiting to pop!!!? I have been trying to think "happy thoughts" before I sleep and this seems to work every now and then. Any suggestions for me?