I heard this discussion on ESPN radio yesterday. Dusty is taking fire because ANY time you make a generalization (good or bad) about an ethnic group you are going to ruffle some feathers. I think Dusty gets off the hook though since he belongs to that group. It's the situation where it's more accepted to make remarks about your own culture that would not be okay if someone else made them. Say, if a white coach had made the exact same remarks there'd be a much bigger outrage and a call for the guy to get fired.
I remember back in 1988 when Jimmy the Greek, a white CBS sports commentator, got fired for saying that blacks made better athletes, particularly runners and jumpers because they were "bred" to have stronger, thicker hips and legs. His exact quote was, "During the slave period, the slave owner would breed his big black with his big woman so that he would have a big black kid–that's where it all started." Furthermore, it was Martin Luther King's birthday when he said it. Yeah, he got fired the next day.