Oh, I soooo agree. It's disappointing. I remember when I would listen to Staind and System of a Down and tell my freinds about how awesome they were and why corporate radio sucked becuase they didn't play them or other bands like them. By the time Staind's third album came out I was sick of them. Anytime I turned on the radio their shit was playing. Rock Stations, Top 40, Easy listening stations playing "Outside" They are played into the ground. I don't think I've even listened to that album since I bought it.
I realize it's better for the artists the more popular and the more airplay they get ( but it's even better for their label, but we've had that thread before), but there is a fine line between getting mass exposure and being shoved donw people's throats. That;s a little blunt, but I think you understand what I'm trying to say.