What would you do? (long..sorry!)
Hi everyone...
I'm a bit of a newbie/lurker here, making one of those rare posts from time to time. For as much activity as there is here, and as many members as there are, I figured it would be a good place to ask for a bit of advice. If this is in the wrong place, I apologise, and mods...please move it were it needs to go!
Ok...basic scenario...two girls, one guy (me!). I'm 26, never married, no kids, moving up in my career. I live in one location, girls in two different ones, both about 2.5 hours away.
Girl 1 - 42, no kids, was with her for 4 years. We mesh great together personality wise, but sex is sorta uneventful. We sorta split, to focus on jobs and whatnot, kinda agreed to not see others. I still talk to her, still visit with her, still have a relationship of sorts (still having sex too when I see her). My parents don't approve due to the age difference, and probably never will. Bottom line, we get along great. She's one of those "nice girls" for the most part.
Girl 2 - 28, married (well, seperated, but living together, no relationship to speak of), one child. Met her before I moved about 4 months ago to my present location. Sex...out of this world...no doubt about it. Anything goes. Personality, we get along quite well. She's a little needy though, constant contact, but I still dig her. She's got a record (her parents put her in jail when she was 18), was hooked on crack, and has probably blown 60+ guys. I can get over that. She's sexy as hell and usually has a good attitude.
Bottom line, we fight quite a bit, but I just can't seem to let go of her, and her of me...we get along great when we are together, being apart is hell (more for her than me, but she makes it hell for me).
My question...what the hell would you do if in this situation?