I know how it is. I'll be 21 in a month. I'm a virgin. I've never had a girlfriend, first kiss, or even a date. I'd go insane, but I've already been there....j/k...unless you ask my friends...
To top that off, the best friend I've known for life has been married for over a year now.
I too am going into my Jr Year of College next year. I may not have many friends, but I'm happy with the few I do have, and with being known by most in my major's class. I'm also content with my status because I'm following my dream; women are then a secondary concern.
I don't have a problem talking with women unless they're my age. Then I don't have a problem with talking with them as long as it's about school, or they're my coworkers, or something of that sort. I just don't feel comfortable around them and talking with them when I'm looking at them from the perspective of thinking about asking them for a date. I know that the reason is because I'm compairing myself to the "perfect" guy that most women dream about. I'm not that guy, but according to one of my college buddies, I'm not bad looking, a supergenius, and "a great guy" who was "anti-social" until he "changed me." Still, I just can't talk with women if I'm interested in them. And when I do, I get put on the "just a friend" list within a few minutes.
My point is, I'm in the same boat, so you're not alone! And for any of you guys that think you're ugly, you're probably not half as bad as you think! Just hang in there. Eventually we'll all find someone.
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"