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Old 07-07-2003, 06:37 PM   #30 (permalink)
Geez, yeah, there is crap and then there is greatness. Don't dog any anime until you've seen the complete series, especially Reign (I'm not a fan, haven't watched more than 1 episode). You have to feel things out give them a chance, after all, it's more than just graphics. You have to find the elements you like.

Sealab, their just trying too hard, jesus, that old guy gets annoying after a while. He starts doing completely stupid shit (which isn't a bad thing but then he does stupid <b>STUPID</b> shit. Like that made any sense.) Anyway, I'm just saying I find all the good in those shows I watch especially the Oblongs (they really do get me sometimes , I can't believe the goodie two shoes WB 33 was actually gonna show them for a while! Boy, those 7th Heaven soccer moms sure would have been pissed, god forbid.) And, Space Ghost don't dog him. Even though I don't understand what he does everytime, he is a classic and he will rarely let you down.

For the most part, I like <b>ALL</b> the shows on Adult Swim. But would prefer not to watch Sealab (obvious reasons), Home Movies is ok, I'm sure, but I haven't watched much of that anyway. But as is, definently could get a laugh out of it (now that show has some horrible graphics, before you start your yapping about Reign).

I stop here. And another element to consider is maybe since its shown from 11:00 to 1:00 (here in central time. don't bitch at me for being an hour off. I don't really follow the schedule anyway) we really just don't give a shit when we're lead astray or confused or given a long boring plot. We say, "Ah, fuck it!", and turn the tube off. Now, if we saw the show during the daytime; we'd enjoy them better. Cause I sure as hell know I'm ready to pass out as soon as those commericals and annoying black-and-white promos start rolling.

*On a side note, Fuck the after-hours I can't stand 'em. (Well, only while watching TV. Internet is another story.)*

Shows that could really be crap: Betterman (Ah, just look at it) and Evangelion, from what I hear is too long and has a boring plot. Won't stop me from buying a dvd though. Gotta taste a little of everything.
Slowly but surely getting over the loss of TFP v. 3.0.
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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Last edited by oldtimer; 07-07-2003 at 09:51 PM..
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