Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
Bush, however, absolutely deserted his post. So anyone horrified by the clinton story should check out this site:
I don't know how it worked back in the 70's (obviously not very well), but nowadays you can't just skip out on your weekend reserve obligations.
I followed this issue a while back, it pissed me off then, and it pisses me off now. Everyone who swore an oath and signed on the dotted line is held, and SHOULD be held, to a higher standard than ordinary citizens. I see a very small minority of folks in this great military of ours doing stupid shit and in general being dirtbags. To think of one of these guys going on and becoming president makes me want to fucking heave.
Having said that, it doesn't look like a case of AWOL, as he wasn't on active duty. If someone on here is more familiar with the reserve/guard aspect of the UCMJ, feel free to clue me in.