That article was almost comical.
The US military is telling us that they have found an (unidentified) scientist who has told them that Iraq (a) had weapons of mass destruction 'really recently', (b) but destroyed all evidence of them just before war started and, besides, (c) was using methods of research that will be virtually undetectable. Oh, and Al Qaeda were in on it. And Syria too. And North Korea. And Hugo Chavez.
Oh, and by the way Miss Reporter, you can't speak to him or quote any facts about the nature of the chemicals he mentions, because someone might try and kill him.
A few questions:
- Why would a regime who knows that it will be destroyed try and get rid of all its chemical weapons? That's like a condemned man using his last phone call to ask his wife to burn his overdue speeding fines.
- Why 'really' couldn't a reporter talk to him?
- Who would still have either the power or the desire to assasinate one of hundreds of Iraqi scientists?
- Why can't the US military defend such a person?
- How likely is it that a random scientist would know the bigger picture about dealings with Syria and Al Qaeda?
- Why would Hussein help Al Qaede, one of his sworn enemies till the last?
I've been 4thTimeLucky, you've been great. Goodnight and God bless!