Getting a job right now is pretty tough. If you are looking at an entry level job you have a few hundred college grads trying to apply. If you look at a mid to senior position there are a few hundred Master, PhDs, Certs up the butt type people applying too. A lot of the IS field is unemployed and are going after the same 4-5 jobs. This of course varies area to area, but this will be pretty common all around.
Now, to get noticed. If you are still in college look for a Co-op job, it's like an internship through your school. These look the best because they have some backing(the school). If you can't get a Co-op get an internship/job...anywhere you can get experience. Also, find classes that offer big projects. For example, my Oracle DB class made a prototype for a Source/Leads management software for our teacher who is putting together a Law Enforcement IT package. In addition, our program is being used as is almost..that looks awesome on a resume.
If you are out of college this is much harder. More then likely you will have to take a pay cut to get that IS job, you are a green horn again and will get paid like it. To actually land the job, man if I knew that I would do recruitment instead. The best way is to network, people ARE hiring but for few positions so they are going to ask their current staff for one of those recommended.
For jobs, try,, and They were the only ones that had anything worth wild.
Good luck.