The Online gaming community is raw shit. Play EverQuest for a few hours. It really is ridiculous. Players are so obsessed with being better than new players that all you can do is say NOTHING to anyone until you are a high level. If you ask a question in the game, you're a newbie. If you die, you're a newbie. If you use a certain weapon in counter-strike, you're a newbie. It's fucking pathetic. Games like EverQuest and Asheron's Call should ban the world "noob." Those who use it should have their accounts suspended for a week at a time.
Just as bad as using "noob" is using "l33t speak" in an online virtual world. Nothing is worse than seeing a clan of people in EQ shouting "OMG WE JUST TEH PWNT THAT DR4GON!!!!" When I played EQ (I quit about a year ago simply because of the people I'm describing...and trust me, I was addicted) and saw anyone l33t speaking, I asked them what they were talking about. That just pisses them off even more. And the number one question that will get the noob-callers: "What's a noob?" Ask them what a noob is after they've called you one. Trust me, it will piss them off to no extent.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert