I think it would be best to STOP READING HER ONLINE JOURNAL! That's just gonna kill you, man! From my personal experience, it took me 6 months to really get over my ex, and I think most of that comes from her pulling that "we'll see what the future holds" crap. It destroyed me, wondering if she really wanted to get back together or was just saying that to make me feel better. (We were together for 3 years, btw.) After the 6 months I saw her at a concert with another guy and something just lifted. I finally realized that life moves on and there were many more interesting women out there anyway. So, I think you'll be freaking out for awhile, everyone does, it's natural. But I think if my ex had an online journal I was reading, I might have come close to flipping out and cutting off a few heads, so I'd stay away from that if I were you. Good luck man, you'll be alright. Just my two cents.