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Old 07-05-2003, 03:37 PM   #34 (permalink)
Bringer of good Moos...
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Location: Midlands, UK
Law aside, there's one important point missing from this debate: What *is* porn?
A 12yr old looking at another 12yr old, naked, but doing nothing is, IMHO, ok, and only down to curiosity. But if it's a 12yr old looking at a 12yr old getting fucked, then it's wrong. Problem is where do you draw a line? What is bad and what is good? My view would go with my normal view on anyone looking at kiddie porn - it's porn if it has anything to do with sex, genital exhibition, blatent 'lewdness' etc - someone obviously portayed in a sexual manner. But if it's just a pic of a minor nude, not with anyone or doing anything much, I see no problem with that.
I have a good memory of when I was about 10/11, when I saw a naked girl for the first time (the swimming baths we used had some interestingly placed vent shafts between the two changing rooms, with vents exactly opposite each other - you could see right through! I was curious, and, as it wasn't anything sexual, just some girls naked getting changed, I enjoyed it, and to this day I think there is nothing wrong with it.

Summary: If it really is *porn*, it's wrong. If it's just naked pics, it's fine.
Moo! I'm mooey!
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