I have pics of myself when I was 16, taken by my then-bf, we had a blast and we also shot *ahem* "home video" but the quality was so horrible we made sure to tape something over it and fast! I think juniors experimenting on their own among emselves is ok when it's innocent like that, but there should be no commercial stuff for them. And yeah, 16 is different than 12. I would draw line to 15 when I'd start to talking about stuff seriously with my own kid if the subject hadn't come up on it's own before that.
Some weeks back at the #tfp we were talking about same thing and I think it's wrong there are even non-nude teen sites, bikini pics of 10 to 18 year olds.
We can be pretty sure it's not kids of their age seeing the pics and paying with Visa for it.. :I
Last edited by Lebell; 07-03-2003 at 10:51 AM..