Originally posted by Spyder_Venom
It was designed and implemented by GM even though they don't make it.
Next topic - Talking about GM over in Europe, a corvette over there is like a 911 TT over here. Over in Europe Caddy's are the big pimpin' cars to some while a BMW is like a Chevy Malibu. They get over 100K USD for a damn base model Vette over there - and there is a long waiting list from my understanding.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Well I don't want to shatter your dreams. But the main reason American cars aren't popular in Europe is because they aren't up to our tastes and preferences. They're more luxury barges while a BMW for instance is a Autobahn cruiser. We just LOVE Autobahn cruisers, driving in Germany is excellent. Especially the parts without speedlimit, i've gotten my beemer up to 245 km/h myself.
For the Caddy vs. BMW/Mercedes contest. There isn't any. Caddy sells worse than Lexus which is an enourmous achievement if you consider that Lexus sold only about 8000 LS400/430 cars over the entire continent during their existence. As said before, we love the teutonic cars. BMW 7-series, Merc S-class. Audi A8, the Phaeton even nowadays, although it doesn't sell. Then there is Jaguar from England which are pretty good cars.
We say a expensive Cadillac Seville is in the same class as a midclassed E class or 5 series.
But due to European chauvinism we consider the Corvette not a proper sportscar. Handlingwise and build quality wise that is. The good thing is that it offers the lowest price per hp. it's dirtcheap for a sportscar. 80k only. For that you can hardly get a Porsche Boxster let alone another serious sportscar like a Modena. Still, even though the Corvette is cheap, people don't buy it. It has the wrong sort of image. If you drive one of those you MUST be a pimp.
Another reason is that some American cars indeed are very expensive compared to the USA: For instance I wanted to buy a Mustang GT Convertible (I like 'em, can't help it

) but because of Emission standards it was not allowed to imported into the EU. Just the 6 cylinder version, which would be extremely expensive think about 45k for the base version no options. But this is because the Mustang must undergo several adjustments, otherwise it's not roadlegal overhere.