Don't do it! You CAN be friends with exes, but not when you say "I still love her". You can not be friends with someone you still love. And if you were truly in love, it will take a long time to get over it.
Anyways, there is a simple test to tell if you can be friends with her. If you think you could pass the test in your head, you are then required to actually perform the test in real life. The test is to get together for an evening with her and her new boyfriend. This is what friends do; they get together and have fun with each other. You should not bring along your significant other to make it more comfortable, although other friends are welcome. If seeing her close with another guy makes you want to rip his nuts off, sorry, you're not ready for friendship.
It is possible to get to a place where you are not all that jealous and wish the best for your ex in her relationships. This can be nice because you are friends but with a close past. Note, however, that this is never the same as being friends with someone with whom you have no romantic history.
And remember when you get together with her & the other guy, she's already told him he's much better in bed and has the biggest d*ck ever :-)