Originally posted by daryl10
Notre Dame will stay status quo as long as they have an individual seat in the BCS, the TV deal, and the Big East allows them to participate in other sports. It made more sense for ND to join the Big 10 (which is where I believe they will eventually find themselves after a few down seasons prior to re-upping TV deal) or the Big East (fellow Catholic Univ.).
Good point about ND being happy on their own. However, remeber that the BCS is due for restructuring shortly and ND might be left out. Besides, the would probably stand to make a very nice amount of money from joining the ACC as well. Maybe I'm just thining wishfully but there have gotta be some kind of talk going on. Chancellor Fox (NC State) was one that turned down BC, she's an ND grad and has other ties to the school, maybe she's been talking to someone? Who knows.
South Carolina just got there payday from the SEC with the SEC being the largest revenue conference in the country. USC was in the ACC and left by their choosing. Dr McGee (USC AD) has repeatedly shot this idea down as USC is very happy being in the SEC where they are making money, have made a few bowl games now, competing nationally in other sports (top 25 in Sears cup last two years) and play second to only Vanderbilt for tops in graduation rate.
I forgot about the big payout the SEC gives. Overall there is too much bad blood between the ACC and USC for them to be given a viable shot. And on top of that, I don't think USC could meet the academic requirements of the ACC. (I don't know them right off the top of my head but they are higher than the minimum NCAA ones which the SEC uses).
Academics are partially the reason why Miami was interested in the ACC. The SEC also wanted Miami and even though the SEC was a better football, Miami didn't want to be associated with the lower class and sleaziness of the SEC, just look at UGA (sic).
Agree with VirFighter that ECU brings nothing to the table other than political infighting in NC. Besides NC State and UNC hate ECU with passion. Probably add Miami to that list as well. Four years ago during Hurricane Floyd, rabid ECU fans trashed NC State's stadium after beating Miami there after NC State kind enough to allow them to play game there due to ECU campus being under water. I saw the humor, but I bet NC State and Miami still remember.
That's not the only time those idiots have torn up Carter-Finely. There's a reason why a fair amount of State fans refer to them as vandals instead of pirates.
On a side note, ECU and UNC play in Greenville this coming season, I think. Personally I'll be praying for a hurricane to sweep them both out to sea.