i have used it in a way... i know that it is actually two pills and it is equivalent to taking, in total, 8 birth control pills.
anyway, i had some extra packages of birth control pills after i quit. my partner and i were going to use the pull out method, but he came too quickly. when i woke up, i took 4 birth control pills, and another 4 (i can't remember how many hours later... something like 6, 8,10 or 12... the correct number anyway). i felt sick all day. i knew that i was not, under any circumstances, supposed to throw up because i could be throwing up the hormones, so i took gravol, which knocked me to sleep.
anyway, although it made me sick like a bitch and i had to take a day off work, turned out i didn't get pregnant. i wouldn't make a habit of using this method, but i'm glad it's there.