Originally posted by KWSN
...minors looking at ANY porn is morally wrong due to the fact that it is illegal.
First, do not confuse what is morally right or wrong with what is legal or illegal. Morality is subjective and as such cannot be dictated. (though some certainly do try) What is right for me, may be wrong for you, and vice versa. Morals and values are a very personal thing. Now, as for what is legal and what is illegal...that's pretty cut and dried. While you may not agree, (there's that morality thing coming into play again) you <b>know</b>, for a fact, that something is illegal. Take marijuana, for example. Is smoking marijuana morally wrong? For some...maybe, for others, certainly not. Is it illegal? You bet your ass it is!
As for kids viewing "kiddie porn", I'd have to say that for <b>me</b>, I would find that morally wrong. There are some out there (read sick bastards) that would find nothing wrong with it in the least. Now, when I was, say 14 years old, I would have to say that I most definately would have prefered to see a naked 14 year old chick than a naked 24 year old. Although, for me, at the time, this was not an option. I looked at what was available at that time, and that was Playboy. I can <b> still</b> recall how rattled I became the first time that I was actually older than the Playmate of the Month. Values and morals change as your maturity and life experiences change.