Since you say that he lives in her home town, I assume you do not. How often do you see her?
Were they bf/gf in high school? I assume yes. Did she lose her virginity to him? I'll make no assumptions here. However, if she did, you've got a long road ahead.
They probably see each other alot over the summer because they hang with the same crowd as they did when they were in HS. Bad news. Everything is cool between them again because it's summer break, he's there, you're not, lots of parties, friends, booze, etc., etc., etc.
Look, not all women are like this but, some girls have been know to play both sides of the fence. (Ladies, read where it says, not all women are like this.) I got played like this when I was in school. We dated while we were in school together. All was good. When she went home for the summer, 'Brian' was back in the picture. I had heard about him but, I thought it was over between them before she went home.
I was wrong. Either she mislead me or I mislead myself. who knows. The point is, who cares. That was twenty years ago. Chalked it up to a learning experience.
Let her handle the ex. Prolly not a good idea for you to butt in. Tell her that you don't want to hear about him unless he threatens or some how intends to harm either of you. If she wants him gone, she can make it happen. If you keep bringing it up, all it does is get you pissed off.
Meanwhile, take the summer and find yourself some local honey to have a good time with. When you get back to school, see who she hangs with, you or him.
Good luck, and remember there are plenty of women to go around.
FYI. I was in Cullowhee when this happened. Must be something about the water and the NC women.
I blow my nose at you. Now go away before I taunt you a second time.
Last edited by blkdmnd; 06-30-2003 at 10:11 AM..