As terrible as this sounds, your mom picked her situation and you picked yours, to get away. Going back to 'help out' sounds like it would just put you in the same 'assault' situation she found herself in and would probably not accomplish anything. The dividend check should show you the way your mother is leaning as well. The money was more important to her.
The fact that you got your life together, got out of there, got into school, and aren't in major therapy is a testament to your strength. You need to stay as far away as possible. She didn't bother to call you and tell you what was going on. She didn't reach out to you. You're trying to drag yourself back into the situation and you should feel no responsibility reguarding what's going on.
Sorry to play the bad guy.
People Are Stupid. People can be made to believe any lie, either
because they want it to be true or because they fear that it is.