Ephedrine; for the time being, is still legal in 25mg doses and less.
The popular stack the body builders used for the cutting aspect of their program was 25mg ephedine, 200mg caffine, 1 adult asprin
The popularity of using ephedra; the natural extract from Ma huang in supplements rose in the late 80s. The early 90s saw a supplment war start between many companies but the two main: EAS, Muscle Tech really stood out.
Ive used Muscle Tech products in the past and had good results, but my diet was exact and my workout schedule was even more so. That makes it hard to determine what was actually working. Musle Tech had a problem a couple of years after coming out, their products were shown not to contain everything that was on the label. I believe they have cleaned up that mess, but. . .
Ephedrine is a double edged sword. If used properly; it will give you results you would normally get. Properly means never using over 2 1/2 weeks without taking 3 weeks off. Doing so prevents the recsptors that get hit not to break down and a tolerance to form, not to mention that prolonged use fries the adrenal system.
I found the most effective time to be in the am upon first waking for a cardio push. Eating 5 substrated balanced meals at the proper caloric intake according to what the goals are; with the 6 meal before bedtime being straight protein. When you wake and do cardio before eating you'll burn what little simple carbs you have up in the first 10 minutes so fat reserves will kick in for fuel (exactly what we want) The fact you have little glycogen flowing this workout sucks because of lack of energy. This is where ephedrine which is already a fat burner (that term is really incorrect-but thats a different issue) gives the needed false energy. This way of training will surey cut you up within 6 to 7 weeks.
I recommmend creating an disiplined mindset of eating habits vs using ephedrine. Its something that if done right works better than any drug and can be done for the rest of your life.
Hydroxcut's "special" ingrediant is called Hydroxan and theres really nothing special about it. It also contains white willow bark so if your friend has any issues with aspirin he better avoid this. I dont know what the price is on it anymore but if its near the smae or more its not worth it.
Ths product is the best one Ive seen that you can buy legally.
please excuse any mispellings I was to tired to put it in word