I have it for the X-box, and although some parts are tedious and others just plain terrible (like driving or the logos), the rest of the game and the storyline more than make up for it.
Granted, I was hoping it would be a lot better, but I really can't complain about the fighting sequences. Another thing that amazed me is how much it looks and sounds like The Matrix. There are fantastic martial arts, and charactors actually block differently depending on how someone is striking at them. The story line is pretty amazing, and gives you a lot more info about the movie and the whole matrix world itself.
However, I think that their money would have been better spent if instead of making the charactors so realistic, they spent time making the environments a little more interactive.
If you are a Matrix fan, I'd recommend buying this game, if you just like good fighting games, rent it first.
Just my two cents...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...