How old is the child? Is the bio-dad around?
My step-daughter was 8 when her mother and I got married, and she understood the situation.
She also had ready access to her dad, and he to her, so there was never any confusion as to who was who. I use past tense, because he was killed in an accident a week ago; everything has sort of been in flux since then, and we'll see how it all goes.
But up until that point, we have had no major issues. Her mother laid down rules to her, and has supported me consistently in any discipline. 'Consistency' is the key word there. You and the missus need to be on the same page, always. At least in front of the kids, at any rate.
Never had to deal with the "But my daddy lets me..." stuff, because Mom wasn't having any of it.
As for parenting, I just look back to how I was raised, and apply as I see fit. Again, you and the missus need to have discussed what is expected of the children, and how that is to be achieved.
And you just gotta wing it alot, too. As long as nobody winds up bleeding, yer prolly doing okay...