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Old 06-26-2003, 08:46 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Originally posted by vermin
In theory, I agree with Papageorgeo101's statement. However,

it's the knowing that they are happy that's the problem. Most guys don't talk about their feelings very much and that helps keep the woman insecure. Looking at other women when you're with her is one of the things that make her doubt your happiness with her.

And I think reading women's magazines is a horrible idea. These magazines are a large part of the reason women don't think they're good enough, thin enough, pretty enough, etc. because they're trying to keep up with an airbrushed impossible standard.

But I could be wrong.
I guess that's where the trust in relationships comes in. I never ask my girlfriend straight up whether she's happy being with me; I just trust that she is as she has been with me for so long and she doesn't show any negative emotions towards me. If your SO is showing negative emotions towards you, confront him about it and be blunt by asking him if he really is happy with you. It'll hit him like a ton of bricks, but it's that quick and direct approach that doesn't give someone time to think of a lie or something to change the subject to.

Also, just remember the age old saying: "Actions speak louder than words". There is more truth to that statement than anyone could possibly comprehend, and it especially applies in relationships; although sometimes your SO might be going through a rough time (i.e. long work hours, recent family loss, stressfull situations) and that might change their view on the world temporarily, but the rough times come with the good times. The point is, they don't have to be expressive with their feelings, but they do come out in their actions, so if you want, you can judge by that, and like I said, if you feel that they aren't happy with you, confront them about it and perhaps they might realize that they're putting out the wrong image and try to fix it.

(oh, and by the way...the whole women's magazines thing is a very good example of a double standard in society. If a woman is reading Cosmo, other women will look at her and place her in the ranks of being an up to date, down to earth girl. Now, if a woman was to see a man reading Maxim, which is basically the male version of Cosmo, they would think of him as a pig. I've seen it happen and I've had it happen to me. I've got dirty looks while reading jokes in Maxim just because women have that idea that society portrays. Ugh...I can't stand double standards. And in reply to your comment, the magazines do portray the "ideal" girl, but the truth is it's up to the guys in society to decide what they like. Personally, I don't like some of the women that are portrayed as "perfect", because I've set my own standards. I prefer a girl that's not very very thin. I prefer a girl who will go to a restaurant and order more than just a glass of water and a crouton. God, I love my girlfriend. )

Oh yes, and thank you everyone for your kind comments towards my post and myself in general. It really does brighten up your day to hear someone else talking about you in a positive way.

Originally posted by Angel
New, nice AND smart! Thank you so very much for your kind words. We all can use a little boost from time to time and there are some absolutely wonderfuly men here who aren't afraid to be the cheerleaders of self esteem! Glad you have joined as one of them!
*go team!*

Last edited by Papageorgeo101; 06-26-2003 at 08:55 PM..
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