Ack. My laptop came with WinME preinstalled. Needless to say I switched over to Win2k right away... then I realized how poor the driver support for Win2k was for my notebook (they have a full driver package for Win2k now), I made another switch to XP. Between Win2k and XP I tried to get Slackware running on my laptop, but it didn't like my laptop either (mainly the LCD). I also damaged my HD because I'm a moron, so I upgraded to a 30gig HD and bought XP. Anyone want a busted 20gig laptop HD?
Anyway, WinME is terrible. I hated it. Everyone I know who has experience with it hates it. Switch to XP.
By the way, XP runs very nicely on my sisters PII 450 with 192mb RAM. XP Pro requirements <a href="">here</a>.