If you're feeling overweight, a semi-quick diet to go on is the Atkins diet. Go over to the fitness board, and look at the one that's in there, and if you are interested, you can PM me, and I'll get you some more info. As for the other things, like others have said, get someone else to go with you because you'll feel bad if you let that other person down. If you feel you aren't doing anything useful, do get involved in your community. Depending on the town you live in, I bet you could get involved with some type of center, be it kids, teens, senior whatever. In my younger years, I was a police explorer, and that was quite fun because you could actually sense some of the respect people gave you, and I was helping out the community while being one too. You can get involved with local sports teams I bet. If you are good with webpages and computers, maybe you can make a webpage for one of the local teams.
For me personally, I was pretty much like you, in that I'd come home and do nothing. Now though, since the weather is hot, I usually go to the beach with my fiancee, and go for a swim or play with her little brothers. There are plenty of things to do, the part that sucks is finding them, then getting the motivation to do them =p
Good luck, and keep us posted!