is your friend very over weight???
if he is then maybe it would be a good idea for him to get something to help him along... if he isn't then he should just do it the old fashoned way..... go work out every day.
I would be very cautious when tryhing out different supplements, especially for weight loss. What else is that supplement doing to your body? What if you don't use enough, or if you use too much? What does it do to your liver? Things like this are all questions that go through my mind.
I think the best results are acheived by going on a diet and exercising every day. Do the cardio and work out the muscles. You will naturally build your motabolism and you will start losing weight at a fast rate, as long as you keep on a good diet.
I say that, unless you are obese, there is no reason why you should be using supplements to burn off fat.