Out of my more troubled teenage years. Honestly, let me know what you think about it, I hunger for feedback.
'The splendour of a star'
I see your light
You seem so small
In such a small place
One million miles away
Yet every night you show yourself
On the other side of day
What a lonely life you live
Alone in that vacant place
You seem so much like me
Alone in outer space
'Burning inside'
Could I but describe what I feel
It would be poetry
It would shine so bright
Like the light of a thousand suns
Cast upon the moon that is me
Blinded by this energy
I do all but shine
I take it all in and make it mine
Inside it is ready to burst
But not ready enough
My hands are numb
The light feels heavy in its sum
It weighs on my heart
Knows no rest
But torments me instead
Until I cease to supress
That feeling inside me
Copyright © Boy Baukema, 2000 - 2003