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Old 06-24-2003, 06:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
Bachelor & bachelorette parties

A couple of friends will probably have some sort of bachelor and bachelorette parties so I started reading web sites to get new ideas and laugh at the urban legends and then I tought about starting a thread here on the topic.

By the way: What is the norm you are used to; Are the parties always single sex? If you are the opposite gender of your best or close friend and hang out with his/her friends regularly, would you consider asking if everybody is ok with the mixed gender thing, go to his/her fiance's party or not go at all?


Urban legend, been all over the Net:

In Sweden it is a bit of a custom for the groom to be kidnapped and whisked off somewhere for his stag night, which usually lasts all day and all night- rather than the typical Aussie stag night where you all arrange it beforehand, go out, get smashed and hire a stripper.

The Swedes do it differently. The groom has no idea until he gets nabbed. He might be dressed up in something crazy... and go do something funny...and then the fun starts!

This particular guy was a keen sailor. And when he was kidnapped for his stag night they pasted a false "skippers-beard" on him and put him at the helm of a 60-foot yacht and let him be skipper for the day. Much beer and fine food was consumed - the day was satisfying but uneventful.

In the evening when they returned to shore, they went about getting cleaned up for a big night on the town. As is customary in Sweden, the boys hit the sauna. Imagine the groom’s horror when he walked into the sauna where his naked buddies were waiting for him, only to notice that best mate number one had no pubic hair ... neither did friend two ... nor three ... or four...

Now take another look at the false beard at the top of the page.


Urban legend, from a news paper:

Blindfolded bachelor is been taken to thai massage parlour and he also received oral massage.. The fold is taken off and he realises the massager was a he. The people who planned the "practical joke" didn't get invited to the weddings.


Urban legend, heard through the grape vine:

A finnish bachelor making career in the stock exchange got real scared when his friends got some people to pose as the Financing investigation committee members and cross interrogate him for over an hour. He asked to get to the toilet, called his fiance with his mobile phone and told her to burn all the papers from his home office's closet and desk. She knew about the plot and didn't do it.


Real life:
Cousin's bachelorette friend sold eggs, dollar per one, and people could then throw her with them. A sign on her back said "last time slammed with stranger's balls".


Real life:

My bf's old university friend is famous for being beef lower and vegetarian basher. He was first given a basket full of carrots told they wouldn't go to the dinner before every last one of them was sold to strangers on the street. In the restaurant everybody ordered a large steak but they had arranged the waiter to bring a large feta salad for the poor bachelor. He got to eat grill food in the sauna party later on in the night and didn't hold a grudge.


Real life:

At CS student's bachelor party, most people were nerds in IT-biz so they all got plastic money and one competition of five was throwing your credit cards. You can throw 3 rounds (all your credit cards so more you got the better chances you have) and go collect them from the ground after the points are counted for that round. One competition was to put your forehead on a baseball bat, run around 10 times then run between two tables set about 30 feet apart and drink three luke warm beers.

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