I'm guessing that you are sharing the connection via a router, correct? It sounds like he has lost his connection with the router. Try opening a command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd -> Enter) and typing "ipconfig /all". You should get back information about your network connections. There should be an entry called "IP Address" that should say something besides Also, look for entries called "DHCP Server" and "DNS Server". If these are blank, you're not getting a IP address from the router.
Try typing "ipconfig /renew" to get a new IP address.
If that fails, power down the PC and the router. Power the router back up first. Give it a few seconds. Then power the PC back up and try to open a web site.
Powering the router off and on will reset it. Powering the PC off and then back on will cause it to request a new IP address from the router.
If this doesn't work, we'll need a few more details:
- Windows version
- How the computer is physically connected to the cable modem
- What updates were installed
Good luck.