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Old 06-21-2003, 08:13 PM   #25 (permalink)
Originally posted by WhoaitsZ
-repeats over and over

i will not take this personally, i will not take this personally, i will not take this personally, i will not take this personally

okay this is barely working.

the South has some bad apples. we are growing. such behavoires don't happen now days anymore than anywhere else.

i am so sick and tired of hearing the Southern Cliches.

fuckin live here awhile then see how it is?


on the whale note; the difficulty is that we are looking at life and death. it almost sounds like a crutch saying that us whale sympathizers have an ace up our sleeve but its beside the point.

we have to, at some time or another, remember we share the planet. and yes i know we demonate and i know we have all our little football shuffle happy dances that seperate us from Those Poor Inferier Animals, but that too is beside the point.

we have to stop species from going extinct. I wish they'd not kill at all but i see its their way..... go for it guys... just one thing if you kill, please kill something that isn't almost extinct

PLEASE don't give us another example to show our children how we completely murdered yet another form of peaceful life.

if that's too much to ask then i pray we cease to be.

when did we get so selfish?
For your first point, I was referring to the murder of Emmit Till in (I think) the late forties and propensity of some southern school districts to close their schools in the fifties - instead of allowing blacks to attend white-only schools (like the little rock nine). To restate, for the southern examples I was discussing, I was demonstrating how things USED to be - not how they are now.

For your second point, I...well, I am not sure just what you are trying to say. Would you mind clarifying?
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