i gotta quick little joke involving Uncle Sam, Saddam and a Canadian
Uncle Sam, a Canadian and Saddam Hussein all find a genie lamp and rub it. a genie pops out and says "I’ll grant you each one wish" the Canadian thought for a second, and said i want the Canadians to be good at SOMETHING.. Why not make the expos win the World Series. *POOF* genie says it is done. Saddam says "I want a wall around Iraq to keep the Jews and infidels out of my sacred country. *poof there was a wall round Iraq. Uncle Sam (a former civil engineer) thinks for a sec, and asks the genie "give me the specs on this wall" the genie says "its about 15000 feet high and 1000 feet thick. It’s virtually impenetrable." Uncle Sam does some quick math. After about 2 minutes he says “fill it with water"