Godfather vs. Steven Segal
OK, I've had The Godfather Part III sitting on my shelf for quite a while, but for some reason I always passed it by. Well I finally let curiousity get the best of me and I'm glad I did. That had to be one of the best movies I've ever seen. I've never seen Parts I and II, but trust me, I will soon. Anyway, this got me thinking:
With movies like The Godfather out there, why was Steven Segal ever allowed to be in movies. Why are they making movies like Master of Disguise (don't get me wrong, I love Dana Carvy, but....) when we have SO many great movies. I'd much rather watch American Beauty over again before I'd see 2 Fast 2 Furious. Are people that stupid? I know that people always hop on the commercial bandwagon, but seriously, nobody can watch Reign of Fire and think "hmm... now that's some great movie making!"
Now this is just me rambling on about something I'm sure most of you have already picked up on, but any have any thoughts on this?