Oh how true this is. I would say that when I was in my teenage years it was more of a sizing her up. I was on a major "knock the chip off my shoulder" stage then and low on self confidence. Since I've learned more about myself and my abilities and achievements I'm not so worried about how I look and mostly when I'm staring like that I'm checking them out if they look interesting. If they don't look attractive to me though I usually just pass over. I think a lot of the reason for the stare depends on your personal confidence. It's nice now not to feel in competition with every woman walking around. Hubby loves it when I'm checking out the other women - like 2 days ago when we saw this woman with the longest pair of slim legs. Mmm I caught my Dad looking even.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.