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Old 06-19-2003, 04:39 AM   #38 (permalink)
Location: Wisconsin, USA
Ok, what this all boils down to is you believe what you want to believe and you know what you know. The vast majority of people think they know things because of what they see in the media, or hear from other people, or based on one fucking experience. Sucks but that's the way it is.

[quote]Always on the news clip is some mullett sportin', Walmart shoppin', NASCAR watchin' (sorry race fans), stained t-shirt wearin', Pabst Blue Ribbon swillin', trailer livin' refuse of the universe saying to the reporters that "He was always such a good dog. Real friendly...never bothered nobody." [quote]

How this proves that a pit bull of correct breeding and upbringing is still vicious no matter what is beyond me. The circumstance described would indicate the exact oposite.

Emotional arguments are easy, and you don't have to think to far to make them. That's why ignorance is so damn popular in our world I guess.

Now I'm not trying to be insulting here, I'm just frustrated to see this kind of "logic" being argued all the time. My wife and I are "in" the dog world. We show and compete, and my wife used to be a breeder of German Shepherd Dogs. Hell, even GSD's are considered to dangerous by some. We know and witness the harm that this kind of "knowledge" does.

A friend of ours that breeds rotts is quiting because of this. Too many people think that they're evil and either give her shit, or want to buy fight dogs from her. Hell, they were bred to pull carts and herd origionally.

Having asshole neigbors with a certain breed or reading a newspaper article does not tell you anything about that breed.

That's all the more I'm contributing to this thread. I know it won't change minds, but I had to get it off my chest.
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