It's cool that you don't see any problem with it. A lot of the US doesn't see a problem with it. Crusty old Henry Anslinger, however, saw a huge problem with it and the US gov't overreacted like craaazy and made all these silly laws. Seeing that we're a litigious society of laws and law-laws, the only solid way to pass a drug test is to not do drugs. Employers don't want people that partake in illegal activities. Let's say that I'm in management. And let's say that I have shady people apply to work at my company. I wouldn't hire a guy that has a recent drug history simply because it shows that A. they don't care for following the rules and B. they may use said drugs on duty. So, you want a surefire way to pass this drug test? Wait another 2-3 weeks. If you've got enough money for weed, you've got enough money to wait for it to get out of your system so you can get another job.
Last edited by Plan9; 07-30-2011 at 05:08 AM..